Cure dandruff and itchy scalp naturally


If you often suffer from dandruff and/or an itchy scalp, there is a good chance that this is caused by seborrheic dermatitis. You may also have eczema spots on your face, but this is not necessarily the case.

Unfortunately, the complaints often keep recurring, and despite attempts to suppress them, some shampoos from renowned brands against dandruff or itching can actually worsen the complaints.

In some cases, anti-dandruff shampoos from Head and Shoulders actually make itching complaints worse, as does shampoo for the itchy scalp from Eucerin.

Then expensive or unknown does not always mean good. It still concerns substances that a shampoo contains.

If you first want to try to do something about your complaints yourself, the following options are available:

A shampoo with the active ingredient piroctone can greatly reduce the activity of yeast on your scalp and reduce itching. It does not matter which brand of shampoo you choose, as long as the substance piroctone is mentioned on the ingredients list. Pay attention to this when looking at shampoos at the store. It is true that the amount of piroctone in the shampoo can differ greatly per brand, and therefore also the result.

During symptom-free periods, baby shampoo is preferable. Products for babies do not contain aggressive substances.

Vinegar is a natural anti-itch remedy that can suppress yeast and fungi. After washing, rinse your hair in a bowl of water mixed with a dash of vinegar. Be careful not to get it in your eyes. Then gently pat your hair dry with a towel without rubbing the scalp too much.

Vinegar can lighten your hair.

  • Do not wash your scalp too hot and avoid blow-drying.
  • Avoid aggressive treatments at the hairdresser, such as dyeing or perms.
  • Limit your sugar intake, as sugars can feed yeast and mold.
  • Try to avoid stress.