Effective treatment of nail fungus

The development of nail fungus

Nail fungus, also known as nail fungus, is common. The chance of getting it on your nails is significant, especially with activities such as visiting a swimming pool. Wearing bath slippers can be a protective measure. However, if it happens that you see the unwanted fungus on your nails, do not panic. You can effectively treat this yourself.

Treat nail fungus effectively

It is very important to cut your nails short so that a treatment product can penetrate better. Particularly after showering, the product can be absorbed more effectively by the tissue under the nails, where the fungus initially settles.

Choose a treatment to which you are not allergic and if in doubt always consult a doctor. Dab the nails, under the nails and the surrounding skin with one of the products you have chosen.

Effective remedies against nail fungus

  • 70% alcohol : Daily dabbing with alcohol helps to treat nail fungus effectively.
  • Vinegar : Vinegar is known for its antifungal properties. Soaking the affected nails in a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water for about 15-30 minutes daily can inhibit the growth of the fungus. Make sure the nails are dried thoroughly after each week.
  • Iodine (do not use in case of thyroid disorders)
  • Apply miconazole cream as much as possible on, around and under the nails. Twice a day: morning and evening (do not use if you are taking blood thinners).
  • Special nail polish containing miconazole can also be used. However, every day you should remove the previously applied layer before applying a new layer because once dried it no longer works effectively.
  • Saltwater A few weeks of holiday at the sea can help heal early to moderate complaints. Swimming daily in salty seawater can be very helpful. If not possible, daily foot baths with homemade salt water can have a similar effect.
  • Vicks VapoRub:  Although not its intended use, some research suggests that the ingredients in Vicks VapoRub may be effective in treating nail fungus. Apply a small amount of VapoRub to the affected nail daily.
  • Listerine Mouthwash:  Listerine contains ingredients such as menthol, thymol and eucalyptus, which have antifungal properties. Soaking the affected foot or hand in Listerine for 15-20 minutes daily can combat the fungus.
  • Lavender oil:  Lavender oil has antifungal properties and can be used to fight fungal infections. Before going to bed, apply a few drops of lavender oil to the affected nails and let it sit while you sleep.
  • Tea Tree Oil:  Tea tree oil, has antiseptic and antifungal properties. Applying a few drops of tea tree oil directly to the affected nails twice a day can help control the fungal infection. 
  • Oregano oil:  Oregano oil contains thymol, a substance with antifungal properties. Applying oregano oil to the affected nails twice a day can help fight the fungus.
  • Garlic:  Garlic has a number of antifungal and antimicrobial properties. Crush a few cloves of garlic and apply it to the affected area daily for about 30 minutes. Additionally, including garlic in your diet can potentially increase your body’s ability to fight the yeast infection.
  • Diet changes:  Strengthening your immune system can help your body fight fungal infections. Consuming a balanced diet rich in nutrients and vitamins, especially those with antifungal properties such as coconut oil and turmeric, can be helpful.

In this way it is valuable to initially try to combat the complaints from outside.

It is critical to remember that all of these agents should be used with caution as they can cause allergic reactions in some individuals. If the nail fungus persists or worsens, it is advised to consult a doctor.

Prevent nail fungus

Finally, prevention is the best cure. The fungus thrives in moist, warm environments, so avoiding prolonged exposure of your nails to these conditions can help prevent a fungal infection.