Healthy Weight


Healthy weight – important condition for a healthy life

When you are overweight, there is too much excess fat stored in the body, which can lead to more health risks compared to people with a healthy weight. As obesity increases, health problems also increase and become more serious.

Joint problems often occur in combination with other conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, gallstones, cardiovascular disease, back and joint problems, sleep apnea and certain forms of cancer. In addition, an overweight person is more likely to suffer from snoring, which can affect not only themselves, but also their loved ones.

The development of obesity

The development of obesity is due to a long-term intake of more energy through food and drink than the body needs. This leads to the storage of excess fat, which can ultimately lead to health problems. Several factors contribute to the development of obesity and the difficulty in losing weight, including the environment, individual causes and genetic influences.

BMI – Body Mass Index

The Body Mass Index (BMI) indicates whether your weight is healthy in relation to your height and age. However, the BMI is less suitable for very muscular people, pregnant or breastfeeding women. In addition, BMI is less reliable in very tall or very short individuals, although the exact height limits are unknown. It is essential that you feel especially good about your weight, as every body is different.

Create a healthy weight and more energy yourself

Worrying too much about your weight can backfire and lead to excessive focus on food and nutrition, possibly resulting in overeating. It’s actually quite simple: if you’re hungry, eat, and if you’re not hungry, don’t eat. If you want to lose weight, it is important to eat small portions and determine in advance how large these portions should be. Learning the habit of not eating extra after a meal is important. It is beneficial to eat small meals up to 5-6 times a day, as this promotes your feeling of satiety.

Make sure you eat a healthy and varied diet, with plenty of vegetables in your diet to get enough vitamins and minerals. Avoid carbohydrates and sugars, including sugar substitutes, as these can increase hunger.

No time to eat too much

It is also important to integrate enough activity into your daily life so that you are constantly busy and do not have time to think unnecessarily about food.

Movement is important

Exercise has an immediate effect on obesity: it stimulates fat breakdown and fat burning. Moreover, it not only contributes to a healthy weight, but also has positive effects on all organs and the metabolism in your body. It leads to the production of positive substances in the brain, resulting in a better mood and more energy. Exercise also helps against complaints such as sadness and anxiety. Together with a healthy weight and good health, this is a great reward for your efforts.

With a healthy weight you can enjoy a healthy life without diseases for longer.