Sore throat: advice for a quick recovery


Important to know

Sore throat is sometimes an unpleasant feeling and irritation in the throat. Sometimes it is intense or sharp pain. You may then have difficulty swallowing or speaking. A sore throat is usually caused by a cold virus. Very occasionally the cause is a bacteria.

Sore throat usually goes away on its own within 1-2 weeks. If you smoke, the sore throat may last longer.

The use of antibiotics is generally of little use for a sore throat. They can cause side effects and allergic reactions and become less effective against bacteria if they are taken frequently.

Reduce sore throat

  • Drink cold water regularly to reduce pain
  • Sucking on a sugar-free candy can help with the pain.
  • For severe pain you can take paracetamol.

Speed ​​up the recovery from sore throat

  • Take 1000 mg vitamin C daily.
  • Rinse throat with saline solution, dissolving 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. Gargle several times a day and do not swallow the saline solution.
  • Steaming with warm steam: Bring water to the boil, add 3 bags of chamomile tea, let it stand for 5 minutes. Place the pan on the table and steam with your face above the pan. Cover yourself with a large towel, and inhale the steam for at least 15 minutes, several days before bedtime, until you notice an improvement. Not suitable for children.
  • Drink chamomile tea. 
  • Drinking ginger-lemon tea: The anti-inflammatory effect of ginger improves blood circulation and helps the body fight bad bacteria. The vitamin C in lemon strengthens the immune system.
  • A solution of vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1/3 vinegar to 2/3 water can be used for gargling.
  • Strong alcoholic drinks such as vodka or whiskey can be used effectively as a disinfectant for gargling.
  • The A. Vogel brand offers a special throat spray for sore throat, which is very effective and convenient to take with you.
  • Make sure you drink enough and rest. This is especially important if you have a fever. Also make sure you get a good night’s sleep.